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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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this is a this morning kuwait city boy collective widespread anger at a poll the islamist led opposition says is rigged in support of the u.s. backed. but you should president mohamed morsi now he was the day for a public referendum on the country's new constitution but ongoing mass protests triggered by a self-imposed. israel's called on by the world now to call settlement building in the west bank and east jerusalem just a day after the u.n. upgrade palestine diplomatic status. hello good morning if you're just joined is covered over here at the new center of
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moscow this hour of the islamist led opposition in kuwait has boycotted saturday's parliamentary ballots in a bit though for the country's an elected leaders the u.s. backed monarchy is accused indeed of amending the voting rules to influence the outcome of the poll. in the gulf states with the latest kuwait maybe a tiny nation but its regional influence as well as its strategic importance to the west is immense absolutely immense as an opec member anything any sort of unrest that happens on the ground here could have potential impact on the world oil market as well as global oil prices as well as the pentagon's plans to use this tiny nation as a hub for its ground forces as a counterweight to iran now kuwait already holds three american military bases and folks in washington are talking about increasing the troop presence here especially in light of the withdrawal of troops from iraq and the looming withdrawal from afghanistan now holds have officially close here in kuwait and while we won't know the results. for a few more hours the opposition is already claiming
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a victory here saying that the boycott was excess that voter turnout was low and that the parliament therefore is illegitimate now what this means is this could spark further on rest on the streets on the ground here in kuwait and as people are quite frustrated with the developments in the political system on one hand this country is considered to be one of the most democratic and liberal and sort of open minded compared to the other gulf monarchies but at the same time the unelected ruling emir has the power to veto legislation to dissolve the parliament which is what has taken place four times since two thousand and six as well as effectively there's been a ban on political parties and gatherings of more than twenty people are banned and so the worry here is that while kuwaitis do generally enjoy more rights than residents of other gulf states that there is a trend towards effective oppression here on the ground and a move away towards democratic as ation and this is of course all happening as the gulf countries are struggling to deal with the effects of the arab spring hoping to
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stave it off from taking place on the ground right now what we've heard from the opposition already actually in fact we have spoken to. who on twitter his leading opposition figure on twitter he had already said the kuwaiti people have succeeded in bringing down the selection by not taking part we sat down with him and i want to play you a little bit of what he had to say about the political problem here. i have. a problem is that the government doesn't need neither the constitution nor democracy and they always start to talk about dialogue whenever they need a temporary alternative but in practice they are defying democracy the main problem is that since one thousand nine hundred seventy six the development of kuwait has stopped because the government started thinking of how to change the constitution and get rid of it the growth of the country has stopped and the government is unable to change the constitution or to continue with the development process as a result the situation has got to where it is now. and so what he's referring to is
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effectively what people feel is a corruption at the top a lack of economic development despite the massive oil wealth of this country both as well as what people feel or subversion of the political system and as i said while there is more media freedom and sort of political freedom relative to other countries here we have seen activists arrested for speaking out negatively against the ruling family and the policies here and we've also seen crackdowns on public gatherings and sanctions protests with security forces using tear gas stun grenades as well as rubber bullets so the fear here is that the country could be moving away from liberal policies and from theoretical democracy. speaking to me a bit earlier on though in the past president morsi has announced the referendum on the new constitution will be held on december the fifteenth that says the country is gripped by unrelenting protests of thousands coming both for and against morsi and his answers tomball reports the document approved by it is mr lies has come in for some fierce criticism we've been hearing for over
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a week now from the opponents of addiction president mohamed morsi and the muslim brotherhood who back him deep criticism of the decree he gave last week granting himself sweeping new powers the power to make decrees with no legal challenge under so the new constitution here rushed through opponents say to islamist well you won't hear any of that criticism. here i think this is a demonstration in support of how i would move see many people here for was so from other sections of egyptian society. a very supportive of him as a president saying i was practically elected. that his declaration was for a good reason that you think you shouldn't is reasonable for a. little bit showing that it's not just a simple task. this is the people. living in society
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and. christians they were present i want you to society at large sections of the population who support obama and will see me out of this not just being peaceful protests in or around tahrir square i've been running around egypt some protesters . being wounded these demonstrators in support of mohamed morsi say. i mean i think you would be a physician you're. going to have to resist because you have to try some kind of a little because if you're still doing democracy pollution possibly. middle east expert dr overshoot told me that most she's not doing enough to pacify i suppose. there are thirteen point two million voters who voted for the president and there are more than in twelve million that will do it for is against him so any
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of these camps can mobilize hundreds of seldon's anywhere in egypt it's a power struggle the opposition or some of its leaders at the last presidential elections in the parliamentary elections before that quite well about islamist supporters of the president don't want to see. domination of egypt's elected institutions the president was elected by a very narrow margin i'm not surprised with the polarization i think the president could have done a better job in containing such although as they should by having a better communication strategies but definitely egypt if the constitution was upheld and if we had. all of introductions i think egypt will be heading towards the truck. a number of western countries plus the u.n. of that israel for authorizing three thousand new satellite homes in the west bank and east jerusalem israel's move came a day after the u.n. general assembly upgraded palestine to being a normal member observe the u.s. called the construction decision counterproductive now to peace negotiations on
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a two state solution palestinians say the lands in the west bank and east jerusalem which were occupied by israel in the one nine hundred sixty s. must be returned to them but since then the number of israelis living there is risen half a million people for the palestinians to all settlement building must stop before the peace talks begin human rights activists define things both sides are further apart from a two state solution than ever. if we're serious about a two state solution and if we're serious about moving towards. there is no way that this assessment clenching can be seen as in any way a move towards getting back on the table and moving towards the peace talks that both sides so desperately need and the latest upsurge in violence there in gaza we've seen documented proof israel launched. indiscriminate attacks i.e. they fail to distinguish between combatant and civilian in the same way that hamas rocket attacks very clearly are aimed at civilians which is
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a violation of international humanitarian law in the sense target civilian. indiscriminate nature of their arsenal who are further away from a two state solution perhaps it's ever been before but only by building on the international consensus that we've got the israel and even the united states a favor away from can we hope to move towards a long lasting peace. three suits no reporting on the future of america's high tech hub it suggested he in a few minutes we explain why silicon valley is shutting out the innovators who helped create the digital revolution in the first place. i'm kind of a thought what i don't know doesn't hurt me so if your government is killing innocent people you're ok with that i'm not saying i'm ok with that but. i know i'm contradicting myself but i obviously don't want my government to kill innocent people good in the same boat. how do i know there are. people new york where the ignorance is bliss slim when it comes to government secrets that after this break.
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waves of corruption are rocking russia hundreds of millions of dollars vanished from apec building projects and russia's gulnaz satellite project a real estate scandal has also led to the defense minister being fired note i said fired in russia we hear a lot about corruption scandals and the reaction is usually a firing or forced resignation and maybe that would be ok another country but russia has big dreams in a big country that has big corruption spoiling all of those dreams a country can't survive with every infrastructural or scientific project is sucked dry from within whether the government is unwilling or unable to sternly punish
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these offenders is a huge topic by could tell you that if there's no real fear of punishment this will just keep going on for ever perhaps it's time to put a big asterisk for high level corruption next to the moratorium on the death penalty but that's just my opinion. please speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots seventy ip interviews intriguing stories for you. in trying. to find out more visit our big teeth dog called. the great russian warriors. prevailing over hazards and asperity.
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to reenact an epic parade through paris. can they complete that triumph. with people's admiration for two hundred.
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now again this is our tina gruesome footage is emerged apparently showing syrian rebels executing loyalists while the victims pleaded for their lives and images coming up they are graphic i must tell you now we can't show you very much of it one of the government said referencing an al qaeda linked group behind several terrorist attacks in syria this comes as the opposition fighters claim new advances in their drive towards the capital damascus meantime syrian authorities say they've restored all internet and phone services after a two day nationwide communications blackout i spoke to news outlets patrick
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henningsen he says the information blockade then affects those backing the rebel militias. become a massive problem again with syria we've had this problem from the beginning which is the skewing of information coming out of the country the syrian observatory for human rights was responsible for a lot of the visual bogus claims that allowed the west to sort of justify the backing of the for you syrian army terrorist group leaders of our western countries particularly nato countries or encouraging the syrian terrorist rebels guerrillas whatever you want to call them to really accelerate a bloodbath in that country because in the eyes of washington of london the bigger the blood out the quicker they can have reaching just a report just came out this week with a supplying satellite units to rebels rebel groups terrorist groups essentially in syria so they can communicate while the internet is down to their country there was
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an image initially sold in the media in places like the one closed there's a move by the assad government possibly to shut down. rebel communications actually go on for the investigation it looks like it's actually a combination of the united states operatives and the syrian rebels could actually be behind the bringing down the internet and the reason is is because if the blood . country last being with the west once there's any reports coming on the internet of actual rebel terrorist atrocities in the country across these that we've seen quite a bit of recently in other world news in brief assaulting a suicide car bombings left three dead in southern afghanistan at least six more were injured in the blast too according to officials the intended target was a local police headquarters but the vehicle blew up before it reached the gate no one claimed responsibility for that attack. north korea it says it will try to launch a long range rocket later this month the move set to sell relations them with south
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korea and the united states getting stale launch back in april resulted in washington suspending food aid to the teller tarion state tensions on the peninsula is also rising to over south korea's recent deal with the u.s. which will dramatically increase sales ballistic missile range. a cargo plane crashed into a residential area in the republic of congo it's feared more than thirty have died there the aircraft skidded off the runway in the capital browser villain bad weather while trying to land then it hit houses and then it ended up in every vein all crew members on board are also thought been killed. silicon valley has long been the world's leading hub for high tech business a reputation largely down to an influx of foreign entrepreneurs but as artie's within a caution ever found this global symbol of enterprise could soon be in danger with the us growing ever more reluctant to welcome new talent from abroad. puts the silicon valley fun fun lots of sharing helping each other even
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competitors will hope each other some of the biggest brands on the planet and they'll end soon k. associate as with america and surprisingly the majority were created by foreigners . jerry yang who was born in taipei surrogate britain whose parents came from russia when he was six or pierre omidyar and iranian born in paris silicon valley has thrived thanks largely to immigrants people who came here with their dreams and had the drive to make them a reality they transformed this plays into an unreliable for high tech development the birthplace of global pioneers one person who helps those outsiders to get a foot in the door is german born and how it could blend struck she says the valley moves so fast that it seems skilled foreigners springing up left right and center that she average day and there is a simple reason such success is coming their way so many of the of the indians and
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chinese that come in the others they make these great companies and then they hire people so they are really giving work i think they are hungry for the words they want to succeed they're driven the valleys the biggest rice came with the boom of immigrants in the ninety's that brought innovations in software and internet services the numbers speak for themselves just over half of the companies found it in silicon valley from the mid ninety's to the mid to thousands had founders born abroad believe this research says there is a case to one for him born inventor behind three quarters off after a new patient and like her many others getting impatient for a start up is what brought julia to palo alto her project is called smart wall and works is a messaging tool for those who want to avoid social networks most of the people that are that i see are foreigners and also there are a lot of americans that are not from here so they're also coming it's it's not
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a matter of nationality here it's a matter of the real skills that you have but there are some clouds on the california sky currently over half of foreign born inventus face a visa hurdles at the end. knowing economic recession has brought deep fears of home and brought much needed jobs going into hands that have come from abroad many hard for many to understand that foreigners can actually bring benefits to times when america so desperately needs them and i think that's something that white america doesn't get they don't understand why. because they don't because i think that a lot of this fear is still are they taking their jobs away american prides itself on being a mountain part of the country where thousands flocked for a better life but u.s. immigration policy me put an end to all that you know question already. should not a website of the u.s. senate approves
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a bill of national security which could damage the capability of afghanistan's security forces get a lot of hits tonight you want to check in there you can on a website also a bloody more potent publishes his official welcoming address revealing we adjourn the year ahead as russia also assumes the presidency of the g twenty again details on why. reporting to the u.k. officials getting hot under the collar as a hundred seventy boxes containing top secret files about britain's former colonial rule your guested gone missing r.t. dot com you can read up more about that. during two days of pretrial hearings lawyers for the american private accused of leaking classified data to wiki leaks have talked of his mistreatment and suicidal thoughts bradley manning's already spent the best part of two years in detention for revealing killings that the u.s. military didn't want to exposed so on the verse on the anniversary of the cable gave the learned about very half of this looks to whether people really want to know what their governments are up to.
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it's been two years since wiki leaks released what's now known as cable gates the world's largest leak of classified u.s. material so has it changed the world much this week let's talk about that i'm kind of a thought what i don't know doesn't hurt me so if your government is killing innocent people you're ok with that i'm not saying i'm ok with that but. i know i'm contradicting myself but i obviously don't want my government to kill innocent people but in the same boat. how do i know they're innocent if you run a government and you live or you run a business associate business and you lead everyone from your employees to the person who's the janitor to know everything about your business something's going to come back and haunt you and so maybe you shouldn't do anything that would haunt you. that. you have a good point knowledge is power right so we found out some information so that's
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a positive thing but i don't know if it's changed anything you don't think it's changed the way the governments might act. i think if they broke through some sort of firewall to get this information they probably built a new firewall that they can't break through quite as easily i don't think i it's changed anything i think the government is going to make it more of a secret you know as our as there is money power involved i don't think anything's going to change the information it has since the printing of good will berg in the fourteenth century. the public is allowed to have information what about the government are they allowed to have information about us certainly yes so what about the people who protest that the government is using the internet to spy on us . well if you want to spy on each other just look at today just to minutes ago syria just closing the internet so is that a government the i think every government especially the what america is the world is ultimately is going to be about it whether or not we feel like wiki leaks has changed the world the bottom line is governments might now feel like they have
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their own big brother watching and hopefully that's a good thing. more topical comment too in a couple of minutes happy martin say with breaking the set for no holds barred look at how the mainstream media is covering the latest news from around the world. in japan the average height for men is one hundred eighty two centimeters ten centimeters shorter because of that some employers refused to hire me one of them even told me directly that i was too short to deal with the client's computers already spent three months in this hospital and plans to stay for another four to add the coveted seven santa majors to his stature invented by the famed soviet orthopedic is good for you is there a from the nineteen fifties these frames were initially used to treat fractures in deformities by cutting bones and slowly pulling them apart and therefore
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stimulating tissue regeneration it was out of was able to receive arms and legs and people who thought they were crippled for life be sent to the other patients shattered bones and in many cases their shattered lives will go when professing designed his first brain using bicycle parts sixty years later he says invention is increasingly being used to help people quite eager to fracture their legs to become a few centimeters taller than the ultimate goal is still the same six thing somebody is live both literally and figuratively about a third of patients admitted to the result of center now days seeking series three focus medical reasons most of them a man and most are not what you would call vertically challenged professor novick of who operated on many of them says it usually comes down to a man's pride some of the first patient to turn to us with a leg length i mean a quest to meet his fifteen centimeters to be still want to surgery because panos
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tool than him we like to say that we need to break their legs in order to fix their head maybe nothing wrong with them from an orthopedic point of view but there is something psychological that prevents them from living their lives fully being happy and we fix it like lengthening surgeries are banned in many countries and even the out there. expense safe in russia the entire course costs eleven thousand dollars about one tenth of the similar package in the united states financial considerations were one of the reasons that brought this washington state native to western siberia his main motive for the surgery had to do with how he fared in the auditors in america advertises one seventy five i was one sixty seven or one sixty a console one eight centimeters would have brought me right to every user just wanted to be average for women height isn't so important you know i think girl can be
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short and it's not a big deal i think a guy is like expected to be taller just before the operation most this matter a russian girl who found he's a regional hide quite endearing yet she still want to have had the surgery adding seven more centimeters to the self-confidence she took to told me the whole time you're crazy you're normal you're perfect. so now or should i call you so what a compliment for somebody who's used to falling short of his own expectations. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck. i mean. i know that i've seen really messed up. in the all original actually.
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if that. worst you put a link to. my house to give it to a radio guy and pull up a zero minutes from a cricket. club or a politician because you've never seen anything like this i'm cold. what up guys i'm having martin well after nine hundred days of being held with no charges whistleblower i mean private bradley manning finally took to the stand yesterday to speak for the first time in his case and today he did the same thing provided more details on his harsh treatment on confinement manning spoke of his experience in leg irons which are handcuffs that essentially chain your legs together and his treatment in solitary was locked up for twenty three hours a day so it was so traumatizing that when he was finally transferred to
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a medium security prison in two thousand and eleven he felt an easy moving freely around his cell block manning was subjected to additional restraints story a nine month period where he was confined to scratching suicide prevention bedding and every night he was forced to strip down naked even being made to remove his eyeglasses and reading material from his cell but yet the military contends the treatment was proper. that's interesting that one government's proper treatment is another man's torture so let's break that set. up the likes. of you never seen anything like that. so guys i know that troll is going to troll and is going to hate but instead of calling out the trolls today i want to highlight some of the awesome coverage breaking the set has been getting check out this article feature from common dreams and titled r t's abby martin accuse israel of war crimes for targeting journalists
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by juan cole which says quote abby was this was the victim of a smear attempt by the israel lobby which accused her of support for terrorism because she dared called illegal israeli actions illegal if more journalist stood up to such smear campaigns with her feistiness the world would be a better place watch her let her detractors have it thank you for that one that's awesome and yes if more journalists did call a spade a spade and didn't let fear reign supreme over the truth the world might be a better place moving on the next articles of future from firedoglake and titled abby has spar a slayer by edward teller just to give you the context of spar refers to pro israeli propaganda and the article teller states that my reports on gaza quote may have been the best on american television and welcomes me to the battle well thank you man i'm on at the props and also please to take the title of us tara slayer also i'm finally one.


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